Category Archives: Fashion Photography
A New Year – A New Agenda?
FashionFriend hasn’t been updated for a long time, and it really feels like I let down the people following the publication. I simply got overwhelmed! May 30th I got married and the planning for that and the “aftermath” left me with no energy left for keeping up with this project.
So now I have decided to change the direction of FashionFriend; it will simply be dedicated to fashion-photography! What I will do is to publish photography that is exciting, new, worth looking at! I will also take in YOUR stuff; For review by the followers of FashionFriend and comments from me and others! Also tell me about photographers you know or know about, and maybe I can do something on it!
So you up and coming fashion.photographers out there: BRING IT ON!
I’m looking forward to showing your photographs!
Best// Peter Lindberg – Editor & Photographer
Tillskärarakedemin Exam Show 2009 – Pt Three
As promised, todays second set!

Charlotta Wallinder - Nuhorizons

Charlotta Wallinder - Nuhorizons

Charlotta Wallinder - Nuhorizons

Charlotta Wallinder - Nuhorizons

Charlotta Wallinder - Nuhorizons

Charlotta Wallinder - Nuhorizons

Charlotta Wallinder - Nuhorizons

Charlotta Wallinder - Nuhorizons

Majli af Ekenstam - Silk

Majli af Ekenstam - Silk

Majli af Ekenstam - Silk

Majli af Ekenstam - Silk

Majli af Ekenstam - Silk

Majli af Ekenstam - Silk

Majli af Ekenstam - Silk

Majli af Ekenstam - Silk

Johanna Eriksson - If I Had A Circus

Johanna Eriksson - If I Had A Circus

Johanna Eriksson - If I Had A Circus

Johanna Eriksson - If I Had A Circus

Johanna Eriksson - If I Had A Circus

Johanna Eriksson - If I Had A Circus

Johanna Eriksson - If I Had A Circus

Johanna Eriksson - If I Had A Circus

Cecilia Olsson - Fancy Lola

Cecilia Olsson - Fancy Lola

Cecilia Olsson - Fancy Lola

Cecilia Olsson - Fancy Lola

Cecilia Olsson - Fancy Lola

Cecilia Olsson - Fancy Lola

Cecilia Olsson - Fancy Lola

Cecilia Olsson - Fancy Lola
Photos by Peter Lindberg
Tomorrow: Tillskärarakademins Exam Show
Maybe you have heard of this event already? Otherwise if you’re in Gothenburg saturday May 9th, don’t miss out! The shows start at 13.00 and 16.00 and tickets are sold on site or can be bought in advance at ‘Emma & Malena’ on Vallgatan 4 orat Tillskärarakademin. will attend packing cameras and lenses and images will be up on the site on monday. Check back!
//Peter Lindberg – Editor & photographer
Designer Feature: Black Badger Advanced Composites
Finally it’s time for the feature on James Thompson and his Black Badger operation. We did a shoot to show some of the pieces he has made. Product-shots you can find on his homepage, James put together a little presentation on himself and his work. Happy reading!
//Peter Lindberg – Editor
I am a 32 year old industrial design student orignally from Vancouver, Canada. I am currently studying in the design masters program at HDK (Högskolan För Design och Konstahantverk) design school here in Göteborg.
In addition to my studies, I own and run a small design company called Black Badger Advanced Composites ( where I work as a composite materials specialist. The majority of my recent work has been in jewlery design, specifically using unconventional materials.
Titanium, carbon fiber, and kevlar-style composites are my specialty. Using industrial, even military, materials in modern jewlery design allows me to create highly innovative, unconventional forms, that would not be possible with other materials. Quite frankly, gold and silver has been done to death. However when working with these industrial materials, it is the design that makes them special. Once we abandon our traditional notions of what is beautiful, countless options arise.
I work primarily with fiber-reinforced composites, so that is everything from carbon fiber like you would find in a advanced aircraft, to Lance Armstrong’s bicycle frame. This amazing material has allowed me to create rings that are barely a single gram in weight, yet are amazingly sturdy.
G10 is my other material of choice. That is a composite based on more of a kevlar-style material, like would be found in bulletproof vests and missile components. Since it can be impregnated with color, it is impossible to scratch. The color 100% penetrates the material. This G10 composite is used primarily in aerospace / military applications, meaning that it is meant to withstand far greater abuse than you could imagine!
I use a playful, almosy childlike esthetic in my work. This creates a wonderful dialogue, as the ring looks like something that would be a prize in a gumball machine, yet is on-par with titanium in its strength. It’s amazingly liberating as a designer!
Most of the carbon fiber I feature in my rings is made from salvage from the motorsports and aerospace industry. This is an intentional effort to lower the carbon footprint (pardon the pun) of the production. It also adds to the appeal of the product if the ring you are wearing is made from a piece of a satellite or F1 race car.
I have also designed and produced a series of rings in pink-tinted G10 composite that I sold to raise money for the Rosa Bandet campaign here in Sweden.
James Thompson
Industrial designer and owner
Black Badger Advanced Composites
- Anette with ring and pendant
- Anette with pink rings, Rosa Bandet ring among them
- Herman with carbon cross
- Anette with striped ring
- Herman shows rings made from composite and titanium
- Herman and Anette – rings
- Anette – titanium and composite ring
- Anette and Herman – rings
- Herman – rings and attitude
- Herman – crasch-proof rings
- Anette – pink vs black
- Anette – carbon pendant
Photographs by Peter Lindberg, make-up by Martina Gustafsson, models Herman E and Anette